EXCELFORM Afisari: 249
Categorie: CURSURI DE INITIERE SI PERFECTIONARE, EDUCATIE, INVATAMANT >> Cursuri contabilitate Vizitatori: 146
Harta: Localizare pe harta Romaniei
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  0214131147; 0724229879
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  email: office@excelform.ro
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Doing Business in Romania Pret: 200,00 EUR

Learn the romanian way to do it “Doing Business in Romania” represents a succession of seminars addressed mainly to foreign entrepreneurs who are at the beginning of their way on the Romanian economic market and wish to understand better this business environment.  

Trainer Ioana Camelia-Predescu:

"Do you think that Romania has a lot of potential for your business? Do you think that is cheap to start a company in our country? Are you an actor on the Romanian business market? If you answered yes to these questions, then you should know that a business in Romania means that there are a lot of things that have to be done. Filling in statements to the authorities, getting all sorts of authorizations and making every single document according to the Romanian law can be very tricky.


Probably you don’t know exactly what are all your obligations according to our legislation and you if you try to get the information directly from the authorities, it could take you about 1 year to get a basic idea about the way things have to be done. We can make it easier, in just 4 days you will get a lot of information regarding many different aspects so you can really know what it means to do business in Romania.




If after reading this, you feel like the guy in the picture, you will find our seminar very useful and, in the end, you will feel less like a foreigner and will be more familiar with our way of doing things!"





1.    What do we learn from this seminars?

During the seminars we will approach various themes such as: -    Romania in the european context. -    the tax, financial, legal and social insurance systems in Romania -    necessary steps to set up a commercial company or a non-profit association in Romania. -    modifying a Romanian company (changing headquarters, associates and other elements). -    collection, deduction and payment of the VAT. -    Specific documents in the business environment.2.    In what context are these seminars useful? 

Participants in the seminars „ Doing business in Romania” will leave with a clear image of the Romanian business system, form of organization, useful documents, taxes and other relevant information. The seminars „ Doing business in Romania” are focusing on the needs and interests of the participants, aiming to facilitate business development in Romania. Our main concern is to answer your questions and help you avoid problems that may occur in practice because of the misunderstanding of the Romanian economic system. 

3.    Who should attend the seminars?Although these seminars are focused mainly on foreign entrepreneurs, Romanian entrepreneurs are also welcome to participate and to find out more information about the Romanian economic market. 

Doing Business in Romania reprezinta o succesiune de seminarii adresate in principal antreprenorilor straini care se afla la inceput de drum pe piata afacerilor din Romania si doresc sa inteleaga mai bine acest mediu de afaceri.1.    Ce invatam la seminarii?In cadrul seminariilor vor fi abordate teme variate cum ar fi: Romania in context european, sistemul fiscal, financiar, legislativ si al asigurarilor sociale din Romania, etapele infiintarii unei societati comerciale sau a unei asociatii non-profit in Romania, modificarea unei societati comerciale romanesti (schimbare sediu, asociati), colectarea, deducerea si plata TVA.2.    In ce context sunt utile seminariile?Participantii vor ramane cu o imagine clara asupra sistemului de afaceri romanesc, a modului de organizare, a documentelor utile, a sistemului fiscal precum si cu multe alte informatii relevante. Seminariile „Doing business in Romania” sunt orientate spre nevoile si interesele participantilor avand ca scop facilitarea derularii afacerilor in Romania. Astfel principala noastra preocupare este sa raspundem intrebarilor dumneavoastra si sa va ajutam sa evitati problemele care pot aparea in practica din cauza neintelegerii sistemului economic romanesc.3.    Cui se adreseaza seminariile?Desi aceste seminarii sunt orientate in principal spre antreprenori straini, sunt bineveniti sa participe si intreprinzatorii romani care vor sa afle mai multe despre piata economica romaneasca.

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